Woman with Alpaca


Close up of Woman with Alpaca

Woman with Alpaca, 4' x 3', Oil on Canvas

Woman with Alpaca Detail

Woman with Alpaca is part of the current Parallels & Peripheries Practice + Presence group exhibition.

On March 5th, "Woman with Alpaca" was featured in the NYTimes Arts & Leisure section 5 Things to Do This Weekend.

A custom hand made frame was built and designed in house to match the painting in our on-premise wood shop.

About Woman with Alpaca

"Woman with Alpaca" started off as a portrait of Mexican actress Yalitza  Aparicio who starred in Roma earning her a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Actress.  Leeanna  wanted the painting to embody the beauty she sees in all Central and South American women of indigenous origin. The composition is based on Pre-Raphaelite painter John William Waterhouse's painting "Lady Clare" where he paints a fantastical scene of a forest maiden based on a poem. Leeanna recreated her own "maiden" emerging from a recent walk with her alpaca. The woman wears contemporary clothing but the period of time is ambiguous. The body and arms are painted from imagination reflecting the figures seen in ancient Moche portrait and figurative vessels.  

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